Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So here I am. Out of college and without a job. Sitting in my room all day and trying to resist the temptation to slack off while slowly going through my list of get-rich-quick schemes (I swear this isn’t one of them). For all intents and purposes, a NEET. Technically I’ve been ‘educated,’ but more on that in later posts. So I thought, why not write a blog, it’s not like I have anything better to do. Of course, to have a blog I’d first need something to write about; I wouldn’t want this to become one of those boring blogs where people talk about all the not so interesting things that happen in their lives. For a long while I considered all the things I’m fairly good at, and that’s when it hit me: I could write a blog about the things I’m not so good at.

I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. Obviously, unemployed and sitting around at home isn’t a place where most normal people want to be, and let’s assume, isn’t a place where you want to be in the future. Using my wealth of knowledge on exactly how I got to this place, I will give you tips on how to not get here, and to do this I will take you back to where it all began: college.

Ah, college days. I remember them fondly; every now and then the stench of an alcohol-filled room returns unbidden to my memory. But as much as I’d like to reminisce about days long gone, we’re here to talk serious. Sure, there are parts of college that can be pretty fun, but anything that can cost you upwards of $200,000 is most definitely serious business, and should be treated as such (free ride scholarship kids need not apply).

So maybe you’re a college freshman who’s just recently started their college career, loaded with a backpack brimming with books and papers and a heart filled with youthful ambition. Or maybe you’re a jaded senior who thinks she or he knows it all. And maybe you do know it all. Whichever category you fall into, I’m sure you’ll find some useful advice here somewhere down the road. We’ll cover topics like what’s a good study time to party time ratio, and what’s the best way to stay awake in class (or at least sleep without getting caught), and we may even finally settle the debate between engineers and arts and craft students.
After each blog, feel free to leave comments and hate mail below, including any suggestions you may have or topics you’d like me to cover.

Until the next time we meet,

Disillusioned College Grad

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